Thursday, July 13, 2017

Its not too late

                                                  Its Not Too Late

Have you ever had a dream, a vision , a hope that you longed for ,prayed for, sought God for and it hasn't happened yet? You may wonder, is this  right after all? Am I hoping for the impossible? Is
it too late? Maybe the Lord has called you to do something and you just havn't gotten started yet. Or maybe you have been praying for something for as long as you can remember and it seems no closer to happening than when you first brought it before the Lord. Heaven is silent. Maybe God has given you a dream that you long to accomplish and you were so afraid that it might fail that you never took that first step. You procrastinate, you wait, time goes be, and opportunities slip away. Nothing happens. Life goes on. And in the business of our lives it is so easy to let our dreams slip away. Especially when it would take an extrodinary amount of faith and divine intervention to make them happen.

Its tempting to give up sometimes. To finally let go of what seems so out of reach seems reasonable
and even rational. And yet when we do this something inside us dies. When we give up our dreams,
our hopes, our prayers, we give up a part of ourselves that can never be restored. We concede defeat
to the enemy of our souls, but worse than this we miss the opportunity we have in life to allow God
to show Himself strong in our needy and ever dependent existence.We miss the chance to find out who He really is.The opportunity is lost for Him to magnify Himself in our lives in a most amazing way.

What we dont realize often times is that this is the very reason for the trial, the test, the seemingly unanswered prayer. God is watching to see what we will do. Will we trust Him, keep on, pray through, step out. Or will we back off, retreat, and let go, get bitter. God wants to see what is in our hearts. He is in the business of trying us, proving us, purifying us. I don't doubt that one of the most precious things to God in the lives of His children is their continual ever hopeful faith in their heavenly Father amidst great obstacles, dire circumstances, unmovable barriers, or simply the awaesome silence from heaven that seems to drone on in the presence of enormous difficulties or
yet unanswered prayer. This faith which cannot be thwarted, I believe, is a treasure to God, and of great worth to Him.

Have you lost hope in some dream, vision or prayer that the Lord has yet to answer? Don't give up! Wait, wait on the Lord. You will yet praise Him! He is faithful, even though you may not see it yet.  It is coming. His answer is coming.

Spring is a time of renewal. New grass is seen, new leaves break forth, and beautiful flowers grace us with their glorious color. Why not make this a time to renew your faith in the one who has promised to help us and to uphold us with His righteous right hand. He knows the end from the beginning, and He knows the way that you take. Rest in Him, trust in Him with passionate abandon and see where He takes you. He is worthy of such trust. When you are tried you will come forth as gold.


  1. I love this post, Mom!! Everyone needs to hear this.:)

    1. I agree, I was writing to myself as much as anyone!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Sarah! Miss you much my friend!

  3. Hi Nikki, Thank you for commenting, I sure do miss you too!!
